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 Value for Money  3.0
 Rooms  3.0
 Cleanliness  3.0
 Location  3.0
 Security & Safety  3.0
 Service & Staff  3.0
 Food / Dining  3.0
 Total  3.0

"Very nice"

User Rating:  3.0
Reviewer:   Yana A. of Hollywood, Florida, United States
Reviewed:   September 25, 2010  (see hostel reviews from
Traveled:   September 2010     Type:   Other
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
We didn't actually stayed in Rubens as probably it was overbooked. They gave us a room instead in Alba B&B which was couple floors up.
I assume though that it was similar.
Rooms wwere very large and clean. The only confusing part was that when we arrived there was noone in Rubens, and if my friend didn't have the service on her cell phone in Europe we wouldn't know what to do. We were standing in front of locked doors for nealry half an hour before someone answered phone.
Also when i reserved a room it was 40$/night which is really a great deal for the hotel in season, with shower in a room, but when the hotel was switched we had no shower in a room, we had to go all the way down the wholeway. And room was $50 at the end. We didn't argue much as it was very cheap.
Otherwise it was great, location is right in a centre, very clean. Stuff didn't speak English, so my Italian helped a lot.

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