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 Value for Money  3.0
 Rooms  2.0
 Cleanliness  4.0
 Location  3.0
 Security & Safety  4.0
 Service & Staff  5.0
 Food / Dining  4.0
 Total  3.4

"Early season experience"

User Rating:  3.4
Reviewer:   Jos N. of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Reviewed:   May 12, 2008  (see hostel reviews from
Traveled:   April 2008     Type:   Family
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
Having booked only the day before, and arriving around midnight, the hotel looked closed (later, we turned out to be the first guests for this season, and the only ones during our 2 nights' stay). The barman who let us in was very helpful, but mentioned that there had been no fax from the agency. He quickly had to prepare our rooms, and provided us with bread from his own stock (it happened to be the Greek Easter weekend).
The owner of the hotel was very friendly, and apologized for not being completely ready. He gave us good advice about places and hotels to visit next.
Rooms were average, but mattresses less so: springs digging into your body.

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