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 Value for Money  2.8
 Rooms  2.8
 Cleanliness  3.0
 Location  3.5
 Security & Safety  2.5
 Service & Staff  2.5
 Food / Dining  2.5
 Total  2.5

"WORST PLACE EVER! wouldn't recommend to my worst enemy!"

User Rating:  1.0
Reviewer:   Lisa C. of atlanta, United States
Reviewed:   August 27, 2008  (see hostel reviews from
Traveled:   August 2008     Type:   Single
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
everything here was horrible!!! i thought i was a good price for the rossio area - but even for the location it was a total ripoff.

i first made a lengthy reservation by internet with a prepaid deposit, and when i sent an email to shorten the stay i had planned, they claimed to not have received it! how convenient for them... get the first email, but not the second? yeah right.

when i arrived at the place, it was NOTHING like what was described online - old, dirty, thin cotton blankets and mismatched, worn-out sheets like something from a refugee camp. cigarette ashes on the floor of the room. and the clerk was RUDE!! then when i told him i woudn't stay in such a decrepid excuse for a lodging house, he charged my card anyway!

he also lied and told me "there was no way" i would find otheraffordable accommodation anywhere nearby - what a lie! less than one block away, i found the fantastic pension del norte, with rooms for 35 euros (the exact same price as new aljubarrota) that were clean, nice, and with elevator access! and friendly staff!!

i wouldn't recommend the new aljubarrota to my worst enemy. be warned!!

"Poor expectations"

User Rating:  1.7
Reviewer:   Pablo C. of Madrid, Spain
Reviewed:   May 19, 2008  (see hostel reviews from
Traveled:   May 2008     Type:   Couple
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
The price is to high for what you can get, it's very old and you dont feel safe at the place itself.

1 - 2 of 2 reviews

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