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 Value for Money  5.0
 Rooms  5.0
 Cleanliness  5.0
 Location  5.0
 Security & Safety  5.0
 Service & Staff  4.0
 Food / Dining  4.0
 Total  4.9

"Vilnius Rent - Apartment in Vilnius."

User Rating:  4.9
Reviewer:   Jack R. of Seattle, United States
Reviewed:   May 30, 2008  (see hostel reviews from
Traveled:   May 2008     Type:   Single
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
First of all, the apartment itself was amazing! Great views, very modern. Superb location. When I first made the reservation, Vilnius rent emailed me that the origianl apartment I reserved was not available but offered me another in its place. We agreed, and were satisfied. Upon arrival at the agreed uipon time, no represntative showed up to give us the keys. After 90 mins of phoning them we finally got through to thier representative and He delivered the keys. He thought we were coming the next day. Obviously there was some sort of lapse in communication on thier part, which was annoying for us, but they did come through in the end to let us into the apartment with adequate apologies. All in all, despite not getting the apt we rented through this website (the one we did get was better) and losing a couple hours due to thier debacle I still highly reccomend vlinius rent. As a constant traveler I understand that mistakes happen, I just advise to make sure everything is clear regarding your arrival date and time. Thank You Germanos and the team and vinius rent for a great stay!

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